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你的简历应该简要概述:教育、能力、技能、荣誉和工作经验的概述,这样雇主看到你的简历后就可以说‘是的,我对雇主有很好的基本了解。现在我想知道更多关于他/她的信息’——Erin Burke,城市和区建设部门的基础设施和人力资源经理




你的求职信必须简明扼要,准确地说出你想为公司工作的原因。包括简明扼要地介绍你是谁,你现在想做什么,你将来想找什么。求职信不需要写得太复杂太难懂,也不需要把所有的信息都塞进去。——Hannah Dewar,澳大利亚FDM集团招聘负责人




展示一些你的个性,不要太僵硬或矫揉造作,如果你真的对公司感兴趣并想加入团队,你自然会在面试中表现出来。面试前对公司进行一些背景调查是非常重要的,面试官通常会问一些关于技术或公司的问题。——Josh Mar,Evans Dixon人文团队助理




你可以告诉我们你在职业指导、职业培训或参加社交俱乐部和活动方面的经通过这些,你可以证明你获得这个职位的动机、个人可靠性和坚定的信念。——Paul Coughlan中尉,澳大利亚皇家海军MIEAust CPENG NER航空工程军官也是招聘团队的一员




实习为你提供了宝贵的经验,让你知道你在这个行业更适合什么样的职位。实习可以让你接触到高级领导、职业社交网络,观察每个职位的晋升路线和情况,以及同样充满希望的同伴。——Angela Leslie,Telstra高级早期职业规划专家





The University of Sydney (2019).How to kick-start your career while you’re still at university. Retrieved from https://sydney.edu.au/campus-life/student-news/2019/08/30/how-to-kick-start-your-career-while-you-re-still-at-university.html#




How to kick-start your career while you’re still at university

How to nail your cover letter and impress in an interview


Whether you’re itching to start your future career or still not sure where you’re going,we’ve gathered some expert advice from employers to help you put yourself in good stead for life after uni.


It's never too early to start thinking about your career. Regardless of where you are in your degree,these steps will set you up for wherever you’re headed.




Think of your resume as your first impression with a potential employer. It should clearly convey your skills,experience and any other relevant information that makes it clear that you would be a good fit for the job. Remember your employer may be looking at hundreds of resumes at a time,so try and make yours stand out.


“Your resume should just be an overview of your education,your capabilities and skills,any recognitions you’ve received and a brief overview of your employment history so an employer can say ‘yes I’ve got a good picture of this person and now I want to find out more.’” – Erin Burke,People Development Program Manager at Department of Infrastructure,Regional Development and Cities

Cover letters


Cover letters are your way to tell an employer exactly why you’re suitable for the job,so it’s important that they are tailored to each position you apply for. From reading your cover letter it should be clear not only why they should pick you,but also why you’ve picked them – tell them why you’re interested in the role.


“Your cover letter needs to be succinct,say exactly why you want to work for that company,a brief summary of who you are and where you want to be and what kind of roles you’re looking for. It doesn’t need to be anything too complicated or an exact break down of everything you’ve ever done.” - Hannah Dewar,Recruitment Lead Australia at FDM Group



An interview is your opportunity to show off your personality – if you’re genuine,honest and confident,you’re sure to leave a lasting impression. While it’s not always easy to stay on top of the nerves,if you do your research and get prepared you’ll have nothing to be worried about.


“Show some personality,try not to be too stiff and rehearsed,if you’re coming from a place of genuine interest and involvement then that will show. It’s definitely important to do some back ground research into the company,there are often some technical or contextual questions asked.”- Josh Mar,People

相关标签: 职业生涯规划
